
Root for the wind

Sasha engages with the outside world, fails.

Sasha engages withs his inner world, fails worse.

Multicellular organisms have been evolving for 1.7 billion years.

While evidently maladapted to his environment, Sasha is somehow still a product of this process.

Too niche to be narrated by Attenborough, and too kitsch for Herzog to do it - Sasha has to narrate his own life.

This is 1 hour of his narration, in front of an audience, in the form of Stand Up Comedy.

God help us.

Sasha Srbulj


Sasha Srbulj is a standup comedian and creator of the comedy special 'Artificial Ignorance' on Amazon Prime. He performs regularly at major clubs in New York, around the US & Internationally.

His inspiration is drawn mostly from the feeling of "this can't be it?!" and that faint notion that buying more crap may not be the path to peace & fulfillment. Sasha has traveled the world and found peace of mind nowhere. Performances in Paris, Barcelona, Los Angeles, and all over New York have done nothing to quench the turmoil of his mind growing like tendrils of curly hair from an ever more confused head. Audiences find the entire process very amusing.

You can find his sensibility in the nooks of consciousness where flashes occur like “I shouldn’t be eating this.” & “We elected who?”.

Somebody once described his comedy as: “whatever disease Gwyneth Paltrow is trying to cure”. Join him for the descent. He's currently developing his 2nd comedy special & performing in the US and internationally.

Blood Type B+

Organ Donor


“hilarious, observant, and intelligent”

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Drawing inspiration from Blade Runner, 2001 Space Odyssey, OK Computer, Sasha tries to shed light in the dark when our Phones are off. We're smarter than we want to be. We know more than we'll admit. Our bliss must be constructed. Ours is an Artificial Ignorance. Cause those who make themselves ignorant get rid of the pain of being human.


I did a Comedy Special in Serbian !

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